Saturday, November 15, 2008


One of the main reasons for this blog is to help educate consumers and real estate professionals here in the Columbus Central Ohio marketplace. When I say real estate professionals, I wish to include the following: Real Estate Agents, Lenders, Bankers, Mortgage Brokers, Attorneys and others.

Most consumers are fairly familiar with real estate agents and mortgage people but have little knowledge of the real estate process, title insurance issues and the costs associated with it. I believe that when you are going to make such a big investment like a house you should know everything that will go into the transaction.

Part of the reason is that they typically leave it up to the real estate professionals to take care of everything. This may work well for some but may not always be in the consumers best interest.

It is up to all real estate professionals to help consumers make the best choice when it comes to their entire transaction. Our goal as fiduciaries should be to assist the consumer in making decisions that are best for them. In return, this will lead to long term benefits for the real estate professionals in the form of referrals and repeat business. If your client trusts you they will be willing to tell their friends, family and other business associates about you.

It's time for consumers to learn more about the closing process and take control of their real estate transaction. Consumers, mortgage lenders, real estate and title professionals are invited to add comments and questions that contribute to the overall goal. Thank you for joining us.